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CV: Rohani Abdul Hamid (PhD)

Translator/Editor Resume: Rohani Abdul Hamid (PhD)

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Speech Samples

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HRV have been widely used as diagnostic tool to assess the interrelation between the autonomic regulation and several diseases. Myriad number of study investigating the HRV during a designed physiological test namely autonomic function test (AFT). It is used to observe the HRV response to the external stimulation such as physiological and environment stimuli need to be observed. Autonomic function test has played an essential role in assessing the operational function of autonomic nervous system specifically in evaluating and diagnosing autonomic dysfunction. It also has been proposed as early detection tool for several diseases which related to autonomic function. Precise analysis is very important in assessing the HRV changes. Very poor analysis may not show the small differences occurred. In order to get a precise assessment, the HRV processing method is a crucial part and need to be emphasized. Processing techniques of HRV was start with the linear analysis including time and frequency domain. It was expand to time-frequency analysis which provide more precise localize analysis. More sensitive techniques from non-linear analysis have been introduced in HRV analysis and this method can detect subtle change in intrinsic properties of HR dynamics.
Heart Rate Variability (HRV) has been widely used as a diagnostic tool to assess its interrelation with autonomic regulation for a number of diseases. This review found a good number of specifically designed physiological evalutations of  HRV that have chosen the autonomic function test (AFT) for this purpose. With AFT, HRV is observed when external stimulation such as physiological and environmental stimuli is triggered and responses recorded. Autonomic function testing (AFT) has played an essential role in assessing the operational function of the autonomic nervous system, specifically in evaluating and diagnosing autonomic dysfunction. Hence, in this review, AFT has been proposed as an early detection tool for a number of diseases in which changes in autonomic function acts as an indicator of the disease.  It is to be noted that in assessing changes in HRV, precise analysis is of the utmost importance. Poor analytical techniques will not show small differences brought about by small changes in HRV. Choice of appropriate processing method is of critical importance in order to obtain an accurate assessment. In the beginning, a good processing method used a linear analysis incorporating domains of time and frequency separately.This was extended to the use of a time-frequency analysis in order to obtain a more precise and localized analysis. More sensitive techniques utilise non-linear analysis as these are more efficient at detecting subtle changes in the intrinsic properties of the dynamics of heart rate (HR).
Perubahan denyutan jantung

Faktor ke atas nodus SA sama ada meningkat
atau menurunkan kadar denyutan jantung adalah untuk mengubah pengeluaran kardiak. Kadar denyutan jantung ini berubah dengan kegiatan fizikal dan setiap postur badan (contohnya; duduk, berdiri dan berbaring) (Jouanin et al., 2004). Kadar denyutan yang lebih rendah adalah baik untuk jantung kerana meringankan beban kerjanya untuk mengepam darah keseluruhan badan terutamanya kepada otak.

Antara faktor yang mempengaruhi kadar
denyutan jantung semasa posisi tubuh badan
berlaku adalah kedudukan jantung relatif kepada
kepala juga jarak antara jantung dan tanah (daya
graviti). Kadar denyutan bergantung kepada
kedudukan antara jantung dengan kepala kerana
jantung perlu mengepam darah ke otak secara bertentangan hala dengan rintangan graviti ketika posisi tegak.

Solat dan Posisinya

Solat yang dilakukan bukan sahaja dengan
membaca surah Al-Quran dan bacaan khusus,
tetapi juga melibatkan pergerakan badan
tertentu. Pergerakan dan posisi badan dalam
perlakuan solat merangkumi berdiri (qiyyam),
rukuk, sujud dan duduk tahiyat (Rezaet al.,

Kedudukan rukuk, sujud, dan duduk (tashahud)
memberikan rehat kepada jantung di mana kadar denyutan jantungnya lebih rendah berbanding berdiri. Ini adalah kerana faktor jarak antara graviti kepada jantung. Dari itu, kita digalakkan untuk memanjangkan tempoh posisi sujud kerana kedudukan ini menghasilkan nilai kadar denyutan yang paling rendah.

Pengukuran denyutan jantung

Kadar denyutan jantung adalah ukuran kadar
jantung berdenyut setiap minit. Kadar ini diukur
dalam unit denyut per minit (bpm) enggunakan
elektrokardigram (EKG). EKG adalah satu alat
yang mencatatkan perubahan potensial elektrik
yang terjadi dalam jantung dengan memasang
elektrod pada tubuh badan seseorang.
Gelombang PQRST yang dihasilkan oleh EKG
menunjukkan proses depolarisasi yang berlaku
pada otot jantung dan memberi nilai denyutan
jantung (bpm) (Raman et al., 1995).
Perubahan Denyutan Jantung

Kesan nodus SA sama ada dalam meningkat atau menurunkan kadar denyutan jantung akan mengubah aktiviti kardiak. Kadar denyutan jantung ini berubah mengikut kegiatan fizikal dan perubahan dalam postur badan (contohnya; semasa duduk, berdiri dan berbaring) (Jouanin et al., 2004). Kadar denyutan yang lebih rendah adalah baik untuk jantung kerana ia meringankan beban kerjanya semasa mengepam darah ke seluruh badan terutamanya ke otak.
Kadar denyutan jantung dipengaruhi oleh posisi tubuh badan di mana kedudukan jantung adalah relatif dengan kepala dan juga jarak antara jantung dan tanah (daya graviti). Kadar denyutan dipengaruhi oleh kedudukan antara jantung dengan kepala disebabkan jantung perlu mengepam darah ke otak secara bertentangan hala dengan rintangan graviti ketika tubuh badan di posisi tegak.

Posisi Tubuh Badan Ketika Bersolat

Solat bukan sahaja dilakukan dengan bacaan surah-surah Al-Quran khusus, tetapi ia juga melibatkan pergerakan bahagian badan tertentu. Pergerakan badan dalam perlakuan solat merangkumi posisi berdiri (qiyyam), rukuk, sujud dan duduk tahiyat (Reza et al., 2002).  Kedudukan rukuk, sujud, dan duduk (tasyahud) akan memberikan rehat kepada jantung di mana kadar denyutan jantung lebih rendah berbanding ketika berdiri. Ini adalah kerana jarak antara graviti dan jantung adalah dekat. Oleh itu, kita digalakkan untuk memanjangkan tempoh sujud kerana posisi ini menghasilkan nilai kadar denyutan yang  paling rendah.

Pengukuran Denyutan Jantung

Kadar denyutan jantung adalah ukuran kadar jantung berdenyut setiap minit. Kadar ini diukur dalam unit denyut per minit (bpm) dengan menggunakan elektrokardiogram  (EKG). EKG adalah sebuah alat yang mencatatkan perubahan potensi elektrik yang berlaku dalam jantung melalui pemasangan elektrod pada tubuh badan seseorang. Gelombang PQRST yang dihasilkan oleh EKG menunjukkan proses depolarisasi yang
berlaku pada otot jantung dan memberi nilai denyutan jantung (bpm) (Raman et al., 1995).

The purpose of this report is to analyzed the incidence of Infection After Arthroscopic Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Reconstruction and our experience in the diagnosis and management.

Retrospective review of all the arthroscopic ACL Reconstruction performed in Hospital Kuala Lumpur between 2006 till Mac 2012.

The incidence of Infection after ACL Reconstruction was 3.2 %. The most common symptoms of the infected patients were fever, swelling, severe pain and restricted motion. The Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate and C-Reactive
Protein level were markedly elevated. There were 8 Intra-articular Infection and 2 were Extra-articular deep infection. 4 cases presented acutely (< 2 weeks) and another 6 cases presented after 2 weeks. Microbiology showed that Coagulase-negative Staphylococcus Aureus (CONSA) was the most common bacterium
isolated in Intra-articular infection and Staph Aureus in Extra-articular infection. Gentamicin is the most sensitive antibiotic for CONSA and Cloxacilin is the most sensitive antibiotic for Staph aureus. All patient underwent arthroscopic
debridement and 3 patients had the ACL graft removed.

The purpose of this report is to analyze the incidence of infection after
arthroscopic anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction and our experience
in its diagnosis and management.

Below is given a retrospective review of all the arthroscopic ACL reconstruction
procedures performed in Hospital Kuala Lumpur between 2006 till Mac 2012.

The incidence of infection after ACL reconstruction was 3.2 %. The most
common symptoms suffered by the infected patients were fever, swelling,
severe pain and restricted motion. Their erythrocyte sedimentation rate and
C-reactive protein levels were markedly elevated. There were 8 Intra-articular
infections of which 2 were extra-articular deep infection. Four cases presented
acutely (<2 weeks) and another 6 cases presented after 2 weeks. Microbiology
showed that coagulase-negative staphylococcus aureus (CONSA) was the most
common bacterium isolated in intra-articular infection, and the staph aureus in
extra-articular infection. Gentamicin is the most sensitive antibiotic for CONSA
and Cloxacilin the most sensitive for staph aureus. All patients underwent
arthroscopic debridement and 3 patients had their ACL graft removed.

Leadership is influencing people by providing purpose, direction and motivation while operating to accomplish the mission and improving the organization. Meanwhile Command is a specific and legal position unique to the military. Like all leaders, commanders are responsible for the success of their organizations, but commanders have special accountability to their superiors, the institution, and the nation. Commanders must think deeply and creatively, for their concerns encompass yesterday’s heritage, today’s mission and tomorrow’s force. To maintain their balance among all the demands on them, they must exemplify military values. The nation as well as the military, holds commanders accountable for accomplishing the mission, keeping the institution sound and caring for its people. Lieutenant General Yamashita Tomoyuki was one of the greatest strategic leaders of Japan during World War 11. His example demonstrates the skills and action has been identified as the hallmarks of strategic and operational leadership.
      Leadership is the act of influencing people by providing them purpose, direction and motivation while conducting operations to accomplish the organisation’s mission and improving it. Meanwhile, Command on the other hand is a specific and legal position unique to the military. Like all leaders, commanders are responsible for the success of their organizations, but commanders have a special accountability not only to their superiors, but also their institution and the nation. Commanders must think deeply and creatively, for it is imperative that their concerns encompass yesterday’s heritage, today’s mission and tomorrow’s force. On order to maintain their balance with all the competing demands on them, they must exemplify correct military values. The nation as well as the military, holds commanders accountable for accomplishing the mission, keeping the institution sound and having the welfare of its people foremost. One example of such leadership qualities were exhibited by the remarkable Lieutenant General Yamashita Tomoyuki who was one of the greatest strategic leaders of Japan during World War 11. Yamashita’s leadership style provides an example of the skills and actions that have been acknowledged as the hallmarks of strategic and operational military leadership.    

Sabah Parks defines the zoning
of Tunku Abdul Rahman Park by
restricting the type of activities
according to the marine conditions at
different locations. Most activities are
allowed at each of the islands although
the area designated for each activity

There are also beaches allocated for
swimming together with snorkeling
and diving at Pulau Mamutik, Pulau
Manukan and Pulau Sulug. Buoys are
used to mark the boundaries to prohibit
motorized vessels and jettyies are
strictly out of bounds for swimmers,
divers or snorkelers to prevent

The zoning method helps to define
the activities for different areas, at the
same time the buoys help to define the
area that is safe for selected activities
to be carried out within the boundaries.

The other advantage of zoning is to
allow closure for selected zone over a
defined period in aid of conservation in
the protected area.
Sabah Parks Authority has
established the zoning of
Tunku Abdul Rahman Park by
designating different locations
for different types of activities
based on the marine conditions
of these locations. In the case
of the islands, most activities
are allowed although the area
designated for each activity

Beaches have been allocated
for swimming together with
snorkeling and diving and
these include beaches at Pulau
Mamutik, Pulau Manukan and
Pulau Sulug. Buoys are used
to mark specific boundaries to
prevent motorized vessels from
entering the waters and jetties
are strictly out of bounds for
swimmers, divers or snorkelers
in the interest of preventing

The zoning method helps to
define the activities for different
areas; at the same time the
buoys help to demarcate the
area that is safe for specified
activities within its boundaries. 

The other advantage of zoning is
that it allows closure of selected
zones over a defined period to
assist in conservation work in the
protected area.

The study was conducted among 97 non-English major students coming from international trade, computer science and tourism for quantitative study and another 11 subjects out of the 97 students for qualitative study in a Private university in Xi’an City. The purpose was to investigate the factors affecting students’ English achievement and examine the relations between the social and personal factors and English achievement. Five aspects in social and personal factors, namely parents’ influence, teachers’ influence, English language use/exposure, students’ attitude and motivation were examined respectively, at the same time students were divided into three levels, high, middle, and low level so that there were deeper analysis and more detailed information obtained. It was found there were similarities and some differences from the quantitative and qualitative study. Parents and teachers did not affect students language achievement in quantitative study; in qualitative study, it was found from the students’ perceptions, they thought teachers had some influence to their English language achievement. For most students, their parents and teachers had high expectation to their English language learning, relatively for high level students, their parents and teachers concern and encourage them more than to other students. As to English language use/exposure, the more English use/exposure students had, the higher they achieved in English learning, especially for high achievers, this was found in both the quantitative and qualitative study. Students all had high positive attitude and some strong motivation to English language learning, for high achievers, they achieved higher with such attitude and motivation. For middle and low level students, they achieved lower, the findings were similar in both quantitative and qualitative study. In qualitative study, one obvious difference is that some low achieving students realized what their weaknesses were. In conclusion, it was hoped that through the study some light is shown for the teaching and learning of non-English major students in private university.

A study was conducted comprising a quantitative survey of 97 students and a qualitative study involving 11 students enrolled in international trade, computer science and tourism courses at a private university in Xi’an City, Shaanxi Province in order to investigate the social and personal factors affecting students’ English language proficiency. These factors are parental influence, teachers’ influence, students’ English language use/exposure, attitude and motivation. Students were grouped as high achievers, middle-level achievers, and low achievers for purposes of obtaining a deeper analysis. Results from the quantitative study found that parental and teachers’ influence did not affect students’
language achievement greatly; but, the qualitative study found that students perceived
that teachers had some influence on their English language achievement. Parents and
teachers had high expectations of almost all students especially parents of high achieving
students. Teachers were prone to be more concerned and communicated more with high
achievers than middle and low. The more English use/exposure students had, the higher their achievement. All students have high positive attitudes and some are motivated to learn English. For the high achievers, their  achievement was positively correlated with
their good attitude, motivation and good language use/exposure, unlike low achievers
who had low motivation and low use/exposure. It is hoped that the study can shed some light on teaching and learning of students at the tertiary level in China and point to directions to further improve the teaching and learning of English among these students.